These conversations at the doors are VERY REWARDING and our voters are grateful for the information we are sharing with them. A strong GROUND GAME is the winning strategy to get Mark, Tom, Katie, Adrian, Kris, Martin, Kathy, Lauren, Sandra and all other Democrats elected this year!
Here is what we need you to do:
1. Sign Up & Show Up!
If you have not signed up to knock doors this weekend please do so! You get excellent training and we can team you up with a partner if needed. No excuses, if you can drive and walk to a door, you are who we need to help. Or, if you can drive a canvasser, that works too! Whatever we need to do to increase our capacity and reach EVERY DEMOCRAT AND PROGRESSIVE VOTER IN YC!
2. Sign Up for 2-3 shifts per weekend!
For those of you who are knocking doors one shift a weekend, now is the time for you to double and triple your efforts!
3. Buddy Up! Bring a friend and make it fun! Pick up your walk packet, help save our Democracy and then go to lunch.
Get Out the Vote Canvass in Cottonwood!
Get Out the Vote Canvass in Prescott!
Get Out the Vote Canvass in Sedona!
Thank you so much on behalf of
Kari Hull & Nicky Indicavitch
YCDP Precinct Committee – Co Chairs
[email protected] | 928.899.4388