Prescott Indivisible
Steering Committee Retreat 
Look at what this community is capable of when we come together to be the change we want to see! Let’s keep it going!

The Prescott Indivisible (PI) Steering Committee will meet in person on Friday, December 10th, to review the efforts of 2021 and discuss the direction of PI in 2022. With 2022 being such an important election year, we have plenty to discuss. 

The past few years have seen PI grow into a formidable influencer in our community. Your efforts make a difference! We are looking forward to working with each of you in ’22 to continue the mission of long-term power building in our local community and beyond. There is much work to do and one thing we know for sure, there are going to be many volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved and stand for truth and democracy in this critical time in our country’s history, so stay tuned!

We welcome your ideas, comments, questions, and feedback. Please send anything you would like the Steering Committee to consider at the retreat to [email protected]

We will update membership at the January 6th General Meeting.

-PI Steering Committee