The Prescott City Council will consider, and likely adopt, a new Water Management Policy on Tuesday, April 26. Council has discussed the draft policy changes in six public meetings since January 2022. Deadline to submit official public comments on Draft 2 of the Water Management Policy was April 12. But, you can TAKE ACTION and contact council members directly via email before April 21. One aspect of the policy that needs your support is actually the most contentious issue – that the City no longer provides water outside city limits! This policy is our best chance to contain unmanaged growth in our area.
Write to your Prescott City Council members TODAY and ask them to SUPPORT the Water Management Policy, a policy endorsed by CWAG, PROTECT, Save the Dells, and many other sustainable growth advocates. Make each message individual to the Councilor, and in your own words. Email format: first name dot last name followed by Sample: Eric Moore – [email protected] Others: Phil Goode; Cathey Rusing; Jessica Hall; Brandon Montoya; Steve Sischka; Clark Tenney. Your voice will make a difference.
For details, read And, Gary Beverly’s “Talk of the Town” piece in Sunday, April 10’s Daily Courier: