Join us for the Quad-Cities Public Education Rally & Roadshow from Save Our Schools Arizona Network on Wednesday, March 1st at 6:30pm.
Presented in partnership with Prescott Education Association and Prescott Indivisible.
Help us reach as many people as we can in our community. Bring a + 1 and double our turnout!
Mile High Middle School – Hendrix auditorium: 300 S. Granite Street, Prescott AZ
The Save Our Schools Arizona Network (SOSAZ Network) is a non-partisan, community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting strong public schools to build a better Arizona.
SOSAZ Network provides information through an “Education Roadshow” that delves into Arizona’s universal voucher expansion, our current classroom crisis, giving a concise review of exactly how funding cuts and school privatization schemes have negatively impacted our public schools, classrooms and communities. The Roadshow concludes with several positive actions that people can take to support and advocate for Arizona’s public schools.
We have discovered that many teachers, parents and staff don’t fully understand the gravity of the situation we face, and we are determined to provide our Roadshow presentation to everyone throughout Arizona!
The Roadshow presentation is entirely nonpartisan, nonpolitical, well-researched, unbiased and resources cited. We have presented to several hundred groups in the past 4 years, including Kiwanis Clubs, Rotary Clubs, retirement communities, as well as PTA & PTO & teacher groups throughout Arizona.
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