High School Voter Registration Challenge! 

High School Voter Registration Week is October 2-6, 2023 and you can run a voter registration drive at your school!

Civic Engagement Beyond Voting and The Civics Center are partnering with a goal of getting every high school student in Arizona registered to vote.

If you’d like to run a voter registration drive at your Arizona high school, The Civics Center will provide training, materials, support, and Democracy in a Box (stickers, posters customized to your school or mascot, pens, clipboards and more) to get you going!

Sign up below and select which online training you can join. It is required that you join a training in order to participate. During the training, The Civics Center will make sure you have all the information you need to be successful. Sign up together with friends, as a club, with one of your classes, or dive in yourself.

You can compete for fun awards against schools around the state in categories like registering the most new voters, best decorations, and highest percentage of your class registered. There will be awards, but the best reward will be marching to the polls with your friends on election day to shape the future of your town, state, and country!

You don’t need to be a registered voter to register others to vote. You can register to vote if you will be 18 years or older by November 8, 2024.

Reigister here:
