Please help us promote petitions for Arizonans for Fair Elections.
We are having a postcard party on Wednesday, May 18 at the GPUUC, 882 Sunset Ave., Prescott in the Faith Development Building (there will be signs to direct you)
There are two shifts: 10am-noon and 2:30-4:30pm.
Everything needed for the mailing will be provided; snacks and water will be available.
We will adhere informational labels and handwriting addresses. If you’d prefer not to write, you can help put on labels and postage.
The purpose of the card will be to remind our fellow Democrats and left-leaning Independents of a petition ‘slam’ on June 18.
237,645 valid signatures are needed to put the AZ Fair Elections Act on the ballot in November. The Act will take down barriers to voting for all AZ citizens, make the vote-by-mail list permanent again, reduce the influence of money on our elections and bar legislators from overriding election results. We hope to collect over 300,000 signatures to be safe.
DWPA, Prescott Indivisible and the Yavapai Democratic Party agree on the importance of this effort.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 9 and include the time you’d like to assist. Let me know if you want to bring a friend.
RSVP to [email protected]
For more info: https://azfe.org/