The Arizonans for Fair Elections Act needs your help with signatures
OUR VOTING RIGHTS ARE THREATENED. Support the citizens’ initiative
Arizonans for Fair Elections. It would reinstate VOTING RIGHTS eliminated last year and protect many currently threatened by the AZ Legislature in 2022.
* Puts back the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL)
* Expands automatic voter registration while guarding against abuse
* Decriminalizes “ballot harvesting” and guarantees drop boxes
* Funds Clean Elections to support candidates who reject corporate/PAC donations
* Funds grants for public election offices
* Allows early voting up until Election Day
* Allows voter registration on Election Day at a voting center and only by an elections official
* Protects voters’ presidential slate of electors from the AZ Legislature’s manipulation
* Protects ballot privacy – no “Fraudits” or doing away with certified voting machines
* Tribes have more flexible voting times, places, and rural addressing
* Ballot initiative signatures are less prone to tedious legal challenge.
ARIZONANS for FAIR ELECTIONS https://azfe.org/facts/