Weekly Message 7/9/24

Weekly Message 7/9/24

This week’s message from Prescott Indivisible and our community partners. The weekly message is a narrative campaign of progressive positivity that serves to raise awareness of Prescott Indivisible and promote the values we hold dear. The Weekly Message is...
Primary Ballot Phonebank

Primary Ballot Phonebank

Phonebanks & Canvasses Save Our Schools Arizona runs excellent phonebanks and canvasses, perfectly suitable for beginners and first-timers. In the summer heat, try a phonebank – you’ll be trained, have a script and a list, and get to talk to voters who...
CEBV: Letters to Editor 6/20

CEBV: Letters to Editor 6/20

One of the keys to writing an effective letter to the editor is using good messaging. This popular training goes through how to communicate and persuade for best results, and how to structure persuasive letters to the editor that get published! Hone your skills, learn...
PI General Meeting: Wednesday July 10!

PI General Meeting: Wednesday July 10!

Please note: Meeting date is Wednesday July 10! RSVP Here: https://www.mobilize.us/prescottindivisible/event/635615/ Prescott Indivisible’s July Meeting Wednesday, July 10, 5:30-7 pm 882 Sunset Avenue, Prescott Principal speaker is Tim Carter, outgoing Yavapai County...
Neighbor to Neighbor Canvassing!

Neighbor to Neighbor Canvassing!

We need you! Conversation is a powerful tool for tackling the chaos of the GOP.And we’ve got to talk to low-turnout voters.Join us for our July canvasses! We provide training when you arrive at our meeting place, and you’ll be paired up with someone when...
AAA Success!! Thank you!

AAA Success!! Thank you!

Congrats!!!! AZ Indivisibles gathered 31,939 verified signatures! The AAA Coalition turned in 823,685 signatures! Health care providers gather at Arizona Capitol to show support for abortion ballot...
Weekly Message 7/2/24

Weekly Message 7/2/24

This week’s message from Prescott Indivisible and our community partners. The weekly message is a narrative campaign of progressive positivity that serves to raise awareness of Prescott Indivisible and promote the values we hold dear. The Weekly Message is...