Yavapai Dems October Newsletter
Lots of news and events from the Yav Dems. This is it: countdown to the election!
Lots of news and events from the Yav Dems. This is it: countdown to the election!
It does not matter what your political affiliation is today. Get a mask!
We believe strongly in the First Amendment. As citizens of the Quad Cities, we implore our community to be more thoughtful to all our residents who exercise this same right.
Biden/Harris and Mark Kelly Signs. Now available for pickup in the Verde Valley!
Special ELECTIONS Edition:
Reference Guide with Suggested Voting Selections for November 3, 2020 Prescott Indivisible and the Democratic Women of the Prescott Area partnered and created a Reference Guide with Suggested Voting Selections.
NAZCCA is proud to share stories and events related to climate change and local action and programs. We encourage you all to become involved in climate activism in your communities
Important information about voting, registering, PEVL, upcoming dates and more. Please read.
Help Mission for Arizona Get Out The Vote.
Health Care Reform Part 4 discusses health care plans as put forth by Trump and Biden.
Prescott Indivisible’s mask makers have made a big difference in the schools.