Thursday July 20, 6-7 pm Register HERE

The Civics Center is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to bringing voter registration to every high school in America.  Please attend the “Conversation With Laura Brill” to learn about the critical importance of registering young voters in Arizona and how we can work together to bring voter registration to high schools in our state!In order to facilitate high school voter registration, CEBV will assist The Civics Center with recruiting high school students to lead drives at their schools. You can help by inviting others to attend the July 20 launch:Any teachers who can assist and sponsor the student leadersAny parents with high school kids who may be interested in leading a driveAny friends and neighbors who could help with recruiting student leaders
Did you know that in Maricopa and Pima Counties–Arizona’s 2 largest counties–fewer than 15% of 18 yr old high school students were registered to vote in 2020? Yet 88% of registered 18-24 yr olds actually turned out to vote! Clearly, the obstacle to voting for young people is voter registration.