All over Arizona, Indivisible Groups are working hard to support their communities during this unprecedented pandemic. And through April 30, your donations up to $500 will be matched by Indivisible National!
Thanks to your generosity, Civic Engagement Beyond Voting has reached our goal. But a couple of amazing Arizona groups have not, and your donations will be enormously appreciated.

INDIVISIBLE TOHONO has been distributing art supplies to families stuck at home. Donate HERE

INDIVISIBLE WHITE MOUNTAINS has been sewing PPE for several Nations—most importantly the White Mountains Apache, which is getting very little news coverage.
Donate HERE.  

Above all, stay safe, stay home, and follow all appropriate medical guidelines. 
We are continuing to ask you to call to Gov Ducey 

To support a safe and secure election for the Primaries in August AND the General Election in November, it’s time to demand that Gov Ducey order a statewide all mail-in ballot

Call or email Gov Ducey’s office
602 542 4331
 and/or email

and tell him that an all mail-in ballot is the safest way to ensure that Arizona’s elections are accessible to all. A recent study shows that voting by mail doesn’t favor either party, and all AZ County Recorders support this. Experts say that COVID-19 could subside in the summer and re-emerge ferociously in the fall. We MUST ensure safe access to the ballot in Arizona, and critical planning needs to start NOW. 

Join the Declaration for American Democracy and coalition members for a discussion on the urgent need to defend our democracy and #ProtectOurVote in Arizona.

Friday May 1, 6-7:30 pm
Congressman Greg Stanton
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs
Congressman Raúl Grijalva
Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes
Moderated by Randy Perez,
Democracy Director of LUCHA

REGISTER HERE When good people don’t vote, bad politicians win. The AZ Roots Politics Calendar is your gateway to Civil Rights and Progressive politics across Arizona, connecting you to hundreds of AZ’s most proactive Grassroots & Democratic organizers. What do you care about? Find your community, find your cause @ Reach out while “social distancing” by sending Booklover Care Packages from Changing Hands. 

Buy a Mother’s Day gift pack, or a surprise collection of books for your favorite grandchildren far away. Or order a book for curbside pickup, curl up in your favorite chair, and fall into an amazing story.  Have you heard that Arizona will play a critical role in this year’s elections?

Join Arizona Ready for our first Day of Action! We will be reaching out to tens of thousands of voters across the state of Arizona to build our movement in order to defeat the Trump Agenda in November!

Two phonebanking opportunities:
Saturday May 2, 11am – 2pm
Saturday May 2, 2pm-5pm

Sign up HERE

Plus, additional events talking to voters all over Arizona
Copyright © 2020 Civic Engagement Beyond Voting, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Civic Engagement Beyond Voting1341 E Krista WayTempe, AZ 85284-1659