Event by Pro Choice with Heart
1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2801, United StatesPublic
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The Supreme Court is likely to rule on Roe V Wade in June, that is why it’s very important to make our voices heard before then! We will be holding a week long protest (details on our Instagram @prochoicewithheart) culminating with our second annual DEFEND ROE Rally on Sunday May 15 at noon – nationwide!
Last year we held 121 protest in defense of abortion rights and we are planning even more for this year! We won’t be silenced!
Come out and demand the Supreme Court we have safe, and legal accessible abortion.
Why are we protesting?
Right now the Supreme Court in the United States is debating Roe v. Wade. Roe is the only protection women have to control their own bodies in the USA.
If we lose Roe 3 things will happen:1. Women will not have access to healthcare and will die and be permanently harmed from “back street” abortions. Restricting or making abortion illegal doesn’t stop them – it just stops safe ones.2. Miscarriages will be investigated. When abortion is illegal that means that every pregnancy loss must be investigated to ensure the “crime” of abortion didn’t happen.3. The rich will still have access to abortion.
Statement of Purpose:
1. To show national support for Roe v Wade, on the same day at the same time.2. To affirm Equal Rights for Women and pregnant people , especially body autonomy3. To Unite Together in our fight for women’s rightsWho Can Participate?
All are welcome to participate. This is an inclusive LGBTQ+ event.Where is the Protest?
Your State Capitol! The protests are being held at every state capitol in the USA at noon (reguardless of timezone), plus a bunch of other cities! Don’t see one close by you? Lead one! Simply email [email protected] with your name, city and state!What to bring?
Signs are encouraged advocating for Women’s Rights, Pr Choice.Phone, or camera to take photos and videos! PLEASE SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA and tag @ProChoiceWithHeart for resharing.Heath and Safety guidelines:
• Follow all CDC GUIDELINES to prevent the transmission of Covid.• All participants assume responsibility for local and state ordinance requirements.• If law enforcement comes to “break up” the protest simply move the protest to the sidewalk. Sidewalks are public property and we are allowed to be on them.• If anti-women counter protestors come (the usually do) ignore them. Do not engage.All organizers are volunteers. This is a grass roots, unfunded volunteer lead social justice event.Email, press, media inquiries: [email protected]