![]() Share from the Chair Judy Stahl Greetings Members and Friends, June is upon us and everything around us (and within us) feels like it is being reborn. People are vaccinated and out living their lives again. Most of us are enjoying hugs, smiles, cookouts, weddings, graduations, traveling, going to the movies or out to dinner at a restaurant, or attending services for those who died in the pandemic. It’s so important to remember how many good things are happening. Yet, simultaneously, those who still follow the former guy (TFG) have usurped what’s left of the Republican Party and continue to writhe in their death throes of conspiracy theories and voter suppression legislation, damaging to all. The rest of us, which is most of us, are moving forward learning and living our highest ideals of truth, justice, unity, and tolerance for all. DWPA’s May meeting highlighted our scholarship winners who shared their award winning essays. Everyone in attendance was thrilled and inspired by these exceptional young people. They made us all feel that, with leaders like these, our future is in very good hands. Our other speaker was Brandon Montoya, Independent candidate for Prescott City Council. Along with Eric Moore, a moderate Republican running in this ‘non-partisan’ race, these two are our best candidates to listen to the citizens and bring voices of reason and unity into our city council. They have both been endorsed by Save the Dells (STD) and are the ONLY two council candidates endorsed by STD. We will be participating in the Frontier Days Parade (Independence Day) on Saturday, July 3 along with candidates and other progressive groups across Arizona. I invite each of you to participate. The bigger our numbers, the more impact we will have. Let’s join together to celebrate our values. DWPA t-shirts will be available for order shortly. Wear it with pride! We are currently preparing to resume in-person luncheons and other events. Oh happy day! The Yavapai Democrats annual picnic will be held on Sunday, July 25. As a result, we have cancelled our July meeting.We we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events including what will hopefully be our final zoom-only membership meeting on June 23. In the meantime, use sunscreen, stay hydrated (even as you keep a mask and hand sanitizer nearby), and watch for schedule updates. Dawn Knight, an icon of Arizona Democratic politics and an important founder of DWPA, passed away last week. Toni Denis’ obituary is included in this newsletter. Our condolences to Dawn’s family, especially her loving daughter, Robin. In Memory of Dawn Knight ![]() Dawn Knight, one of the founding members of the Democratic Women of the Prescott Area in 1989, passed away June 2nd after three years in the care of her daughter Robin. A lifelong Democrat, she worked for the party in the Valley before moving to Prescott and becoming an active member of the Yavapai County Democratic Party and later chair of the DWPA. Dawn, who was a cousin of DWPA founder Jerry Emmett, received the Jerry Emmett Award in 2016 for her work and dedication to the party. Jerry Emmett passed away in May of 2019 at age 104. Dawn had worked as chair of the YCDP fundraising committee long before Act Blue existed and everyone had email. She was in charge of letter and phone call campaigns. Along with her decades-long involvement with the YCDP and DWPA, she was a longtime board member and former president of the Arizona Federation of Democratic Women. Dawn also was President of the Arizona Pioneer Home Foundation, raising money for equipment and repairs through fundraising events. In past years, Dawn ran for several state seats. She ran for the state senate against Republican Ken Bennett in 1998, speaking at numerous forums sponsored by the League of Women Voters, Yavapai College, the Yavapai Learning Institute, and Prescott Area Leadership. Dawn ran again in 2000 and a third time in 2002. In 2004, she challenged Bennett’s petitions in court. James Kimes, a past Jerry Emmett Award winner, defended her decision to challenge Bennett’s petitions in a letter to The Daily Courier. James wrote: “…you should not criticize Dawn Knight for exercising her constitutional right. In the words of President Eisenhower, “Anytime we deny any citizen the full exercise of his constitutional rights, we are weakening our own claim to them. “The good citizen gets off the sidelines to crusade for the kind of city, state or country in which he wants to live. The good citizen has the courage to risk a wrong decision rather than make no decision at all…As one who has known Dawn Knight for several years, I know her as a good citizen who recognizes that humanity moves forward not only from the mighty shoves of its leader but also from the tiny pushes of the rank and file of the people. She understands that ideas and ideals become dynamic only when you do something about them.” Dawn, who won the Hope-Independence Award from the YCDP in 1998, set an example for all of us in how to be a candidate, a tireless worker and a leader. ![]() Prescott Frontier Days Rodeo Parade on July 3rd 4th of July is just right around the corner and DWPA will have their own T-Shirts to participate with other Democratic organizations across the state! We will keep you posted when these can be ordered. Get ready with signs and flags so wehave a strong presence as we march to show Yavapai County we are serious about Truth, Justice and the American Way. Sign up information available shortly. DWPA Monthly Membership Meeting Wednesday, June 23rd 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. Guest Speaker, Gary Beverly President and Public Policy Chair, Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG). ![]() Meeting ID: 831 1801 2717 Passcode: 896662 Invitation to Assist with Messaging the Independent Redistricting Communication We invite our members and friends who are willing to contribute comments online. We can walk you through the process as well as provide comments you can put in your own words. ![]() “Contact Us” on the irc.az.org website. What would a volunteer have to do? You will be sent a weekly email with talking points that you can rewrite and submit prior to the Tuesday IRC meetings via the Contact Us form on the website or during the meeting via an on-line form. Your input will make the Independent Redistricting Commissioners understand that the public is listening! You do not have to listen to the meeting unless you so desire. PLEASE STEP UP! This opportunity comes once every ten years It’s Gay Pride Month! On a hot summer’s night in New York on June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village, which resulted in bar patrons, staff, and neighborhood residents rioting onto Christopher Street outside. Among the many leaders of the riots was a black, trans, bisexual woman, Marsha P. Johnson, leading the movement to continue over six days with protests and clashes. The message was clear — protestors demanded the establishment of places where LGBT+ people could go and be open about their sexual orientation without fear of arrest. Pride Month is largely credited as being started by bisexual activist Brenda Howard. Known as ‘The Mother of Pride,’ Brenda organized Gay Pride Week and the Christopher Street Liberation Day Parade a year after the Stonewall Riots. This eventually morphed into what we now know as the New York City Pride March and was the catalyst for the formation of similar parades and marches across the world. Speaking of the rainbow flag, it was actually gay politician Harvey Milk who asked a talented designer friend, Gilbert Baker, to design an all-encompassing symbol to take to San Francisco’s Pride March in 1978. Sadly, Harvey Milk was assassinated along with Mayor George Moscone on November 23, 1978, in San Francisco City Hall by Dan White, a disgruntled former supervisor who was angry at Milk for lobbying against having him reappointed on the Board of Supervisors. Bill Clinton was the first U.S. President to officially recognize Pride Month in 1999 and 2000. Then, from 2009 to 2016, Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month. In May 2019, Donald Trump recognized Pride Month with a tweet announcing that his administration had launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality, although critics have noted that actions speak louder than words. The New York Pride Parade is one of the largest and most well-known parades to take place, with over 2 million people estimated to have taken part in 2019. Upcoming Events for the DWPA Community An Inside Look at the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission. Mon. June 7, 6 p.m. Every ten years the decennial redistricting of Arizona legislative and congressional districts for the purposes of representation in Congress and the Arizona Legislature is performed. Chairwoman Erika Neuberg will answer questions about the workings of the current IRC, criteria they will use in creating the maps, next steps in the process, and how the public can get involved. Questions can be submitted to [email protected] Register HERE. YCDP General Meeting Border, Immigration and DACA Thursday June 10, 6:30pm Guest Speakers: Rep. Charlene Fernandez – AZ State Rep. LD4 Erika Andiola – Chief Advocacy Officer, Raices Texas The administration’s current policy and approaches to border, immigration and DACA will be discussed with Former House Minority Leader and current State Rep. Charlene Fernandez representing legislative district 4 on the border with Yuma and Somerton and special guest Erika Andiola, an immigrant rights activist located in Tempe. She is the Chief Advocacy Officer for the organization Raices Texas. Register for the meeting on Mobilize here! Or Join on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85857391394 Meeting ID 858 5739 1394 Visit yavdem.org for more information. Meet & Greet Prescott City Council Candidates Wed. June 16 10-11:30 am You are invited to a Meet and Greet for Brandon Montoya and Eric Moore at Watson Lake Park Upper Ramada. Water will be provided. Bring your own chair. Click HERE for the full announcement. ![]() Click here to register ![]() 1555 W. Iron Springs Road, Prescott COVID-19 Vaccinations are available to anyone 16 years and older. ![]() COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments (yavapai.us) Democratic Women of the Prescott Area dwpaaz.org – website Questions? Email to [email protected] You can reach us on Twitter @dwpaaz |