Voting Information (9/23/20 compiled by DWPA)
If you have questions about voting in general, registering to vote, Permanent Early Voting, etc,.the Yavapai
County Board of Elections is a phenomenal resource. Their website is comprehensive and phone numbers are
listed on the home page.
Katie Hobbs, AZ Secretary of State developed a new AZ Voter Information Portal – click
on my.arizona.vote to: Search for your voter registration; Find your polling locations; Request a Ballotby-Mail, Check the Status of your Ballot-by-Mail; Check the status of your provisional ballot; Submit a
public records request;submit a petition request or Respond to notice.
If you know someone who needs a ride to an Official Ballot Box or a county building to vote early in person,
call Yavapai Democratic Headquarters, 928-541-0413. Leave a message and the call will be returned.
How to Update your Voter Information
Update your voter information if any of the following apply:
• You recently moved to a new address
• Your name has been legally changed
• You would like to change your political party affiliation
• Online – If you have an Arizona Driver License and/or an Arizona non-operating I.D. card issued by the
Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) you may update your voter registration online. Here’s how:
- Log on to Service Arizona(link is external)
- Select your language preference, then click “Begin/Update Voter Registration”
- Verify your voter eligibility
- Enter your information in the required fields
- Update your address if you have moved, otherwise select No on question A & B and click continue.
- You can now update any other information that has changed, including your name or party preference
If you are having trouble logging in to the Service Arizona website, you can print off a Voter Registration
Form (PDF) and fill it out with your new information. After you finish, mail the completed form to your County
Recorder’s office and your information will be updated.
• By Mail – You can either print off a form online (PDF) or request that a registration form be mailed to
you from your County Recorder. After completing the voter registration form, mail it to your county
recorder’s office.
• In-Person – You may visit your County Recorder’s office and fill out a registration form in person.
• Address Confidentiality Program Members – You should update your voter registration through
the ACP process.
After you have successfully updated your registration to vote you will receive an updated voter registration card
in the mail within 4-6 weeks.
Important Dates to Remember
Mon. October 5 is the deadline to register to vote.
Wed. October 7 – early ballots begin arriving in the mail and early voting in-person begins
Fri. October 16 – we recommend this be the last day you mail in your ballot
Fri. October 23 – last day to request a early ballot and the last day to mail your early ballot
Fri. October 30 – last day to vote early in person
This year, because of the pandemic, we emphasize and recommend EARLY voting. Voting begins
October 7; it ends at 7 pm on November 3.
Protect yourself and our poll workers by voting early rather than crowding the polling places on Election
Day. Official Ballot Drop Box locations will be published closer to the ballot “drop”. Don’t risk muddy roads,
bad weather, or COVID exposure on November 3 — vote when your ballot comes in the mail.
Every signature on the outside of a returned ballot is verified by a county staff person trained in handwriting
recognition — so get that ballot in way before Election Day so the rest of us don’t have to wait days for a result
while your signature is being checked! Vote as soon as you can! Getting your ballot by mail is safe; 80% of
Arizonans do that and have for years.
If you have any stray marks on your ballot, or make a mistake, please go the Yavapai Co. Board of
Elections and request a replacement ballot. You cannot cross out information and submit your ballot!
Official Ballot Drop Box Locations –
Prescott County Admin. Bldg. – 1015 Fair St.
Prescott Valley Town Hall – 7501 E. Civic Circle
Camp Verde Town Hall – 473 S. Main St.
Camp Verde Yavapai-Apache Nation – 3462 Smith Ave.
Chino Valley Town Hall – 202 Ste. Route 89A
Clarkdale Town Hall – 38 N. 9th St.
Cottonwood – Co. Admin. Bldg. – 10 S. 6th St.
Dewey-Humboldt Town Hall – 2735 S. Hwy. 69
Jerome Town Hall – 600 Clark St.
Paulden Public Library – 16 Big Chino Rd.
Sedona City Hall – 102 Roadrunner Dr.
Skull Valley U.S. Post Office – 3085 S. Iron Springs Rd.
Spring Valley Public LIbrary – 17320 E. Mule Deer Rd.
Three more drop box locations will be announced this week.