GYCC Covid Emergency Box Program by Prescott Indivisible | Aug 20, 2021 | Homepage, Take Action COVID EMERGENCY BOX PROGRAMGYCC is receiving urgent requests from Covid Positive Community Members with moderate symptoms who are being asked to Isolate/Quarantine at home to avoid overflowing hospitals.We are now receiving requests for Boxes for Children.Arizona is back to “Extremely High Risk” for Covid TransmissionYavapai area Hospitals are filling up. People are testing positive, having symptoms/severe illness and being asked to recover at home.Afflicted Households are unable to pick up supplies because of contagion and quarantine. GYCC IS UNABLE TO PURCHASE VITAL SUPPLIES LOCALLY DUE TO SHORTAGESThe COVID RESPONSE ACTION PLANGOAL: To keep as many Covid Positive People out of the Hospitals as possiblePLAN: Create “COVID SUPPORT BOXES” with 14 days of supplies which willwhich will help Covid Positive people manage and monitor their symptoms at homeThe boxes will focus on the following in order of priority based on supply:Oxygen and Temperature Monitors for quantitative measurement of illnessHydration and Electrolyte SupportPPE- gloves, masksDisinfecting/Sanitation ProductsShelf Stable food requiring minimal preparation- Crackers and Granola BarsGYCC HAS 10 COMPLETED BOXES AVAILABLE including Pediatric Focused BoxesIF YOUR ORGANIZATION NEEDS A BOX PLEASE CONTACT GYCC AT [email protected] YOU CAN HELP:DONATIONS: GYCC is a 501c3 All donations go directly to purchasing Box SuppliesGoods in Kind Donations: For a list of needed Items contact [email protected]Start your OWN Covid Support Box Program- GYCC will Train and HelpCONTACT GYCC AT [email protected]