Prescott Peacebuilders is planning another storytelling event and we thought of you. The theme is “Harmonic Convergences”. Tellers will share a meaningful life changing event that music made happen in your life.
We ask that stories be 5 to 10 minutes and are personal, true life stories which are told by heart.
The event will be held at the Prescott Public Library founders room on Sunday, April 30 at 2:00 p.m. We will have two practice rehearsals before the public event. These are usually a potluck.
Let one of us know if this “strikes a chord” or “resonates” with you. Let us know of your interest by Feb. 14.
Thank you ?
Laurel Freeman [email protected]
Prescott Peacebuilder’s Mission: To inspire our community to believe in and work toward a more peaceful, livable world. We are committed to building an identity of PEACE and a culture of nonviolence in Prescott, Arizona: “Everybody’s Hometown”. We are inclusive and non-political, and we align ourselves to the core beliefs and practices of the International Campaign of Nonviolence.Join us on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/PrescottAzPeaceBuilders