Stop Dark Money has reached the halfway point towards the goal of gathering 300,000 signatures!  We still need 150,000 signatures statewide and have only 7 months to go.  Let’s get this on the November 2022 ballot!

To date, volunteers in Yavapai County have gathered 2,866 signatures. In the last campaign we gathered almost 11,000 signatures before stopping due to the pandemic. 

If everyone who gets this newsletter would sign out a petition and get 5 people to sign it (that’s right, just 5 signatures!), we would be very close to the number of signatures we gathered in the last campaign. 

Petitions are available
AT the Yavapai Democratic Party office at 1555 Iron Springs Road (M-F, 11am to 3pm)
OR contact Diane McQueen at either or 928-699-4308 and she will be happy to hand deliver them to you. 
Signatures can be from any AZ registered voter in any county but you will need a separate petition for each county. 

Dark Money Alert:
The Arizona Free Enterprise Club (which is a huge Dark Money group) filed a new legislative initiative with the Secretary of State’s office this summer.  If it gets on the ballot and is passed by the voters it would among other things require certain types of identification for mail-in ballots.  This proposed law would require that an affidavit be returned with the mail-in ballot and include such things as the last 4 digits of your SS# and/or date of birth and/or a copy of your driver’s license or state issued identification. Currently, only your signature is required. This is voter suppression. 

It was just reported that the Arizona Patriot Party is in Yavapai County gathering signatures for this initiative and were encountered in a Walmart parking lot.  They are telling people it’s for “Free and Fair elections” and that they want “at least another poll watcher at each voting place”. This is not what the initiative says. They are purposely misleading the public on what this initiative is about. This initiative is about voter suppression and making it as hard as possible for people to use our wonderful mail-in ballot system.

If you see these people on private property such as Walmart, Fry’s, etc. you have the right to complain to the management and have them kicked off the property. 
Diane McQueen –