We need to get the Stop Dark Money initiative on the November ’22 ballot… That means we need your help in getting signatures If each of you gets a petition and with just 5 signatures on it we can reach our goal Did you know that even if HR1 (the For the People Act) were to pass that it would only cover federal elections? Without laws in this state requiring transparency in political spending we would still see dark money ruining our State and Local elections. Change starts at home and this initiative is one way to make a change that affects all of Arizona. A poll conducted in March by HighGround said that when the questioner read the 100 word statement on our petition to them, 92% of the respondents were favorable. Either supported or strongly supported. Petitions are available At the Yavapai Democratic Party office, 1555 Iron Springs Rd (M-F, 11am-3pm) OR contact Diane McQueen at either [email protected] or 928-699-4308 and she will be happy to hand deliver them to you. Signatures can be from any AZ registered voter in any county but you will need a separate petition for each county. |