Arizonans for Fair Elections Act There is a new Citizens Initiative creating a series of VOTING RIGHTS statutes that address both the AZ voting suppression bills passed in 2021 and some of those being entertained in 2022 by the AZ Legislature. Among the many provisions are:
1) re-establishment of the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) and sets up means of automatic voter registration that also include fail safes against abuse,
2) allowing entrusted people to return one’s early ballot,
3) creating a funding sources to bolster the Clean Elections ability to support candidates who reject corporate/PAC donations,
4) allowing early voting up until day before election day and permits voter registration up to election day,
5) eliminating the Legislature from being able to substitute their preferred electors in a presidential election, and
6) protecting ballot privacy,
7) giving Tribes more say as to their voting times, places and practices,
8) re-establishing grants (from clean Elections) to local election offices for needed election infrastructure,
9) removing some of the tedious hurdles enacted to make ballot initiative signature gathering extremely difficult to achieve.
The Initiative needs 237,645 valid signatures by early July.
Volunteer NOW to circulate petitions.
SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER: https://arizonadeservesbetter.com
CONTACT: Julie Pindzola at [email protected] or 928-710-2036
Arizona Deserves Better, conducting the volunteer effort, and Arizona Democracy Resource Center are part of a local, state, and national organizations committed to the success of the effort.
Be aware, there are other voter/election initiatives being circulated that are a ruse and hostile to voting rights. One is the “Easier to Vote” citizen’s initiative that further eliminates early voting and vote by mail