On January 20th, the eve of the Citizens United Anniversary, Move to Amend Coalition Partners and the office of Representative Pramila Jayapal, Lead Congressional Sponsor for the #WethePeopleAmendment, will speak to the importance of going beyond overturning Citizens United, a symptom of the root problem, to abolish ALL corporate Constitutional Rights and money as political speech.

The event will feature a panel discussion: “Where Do We Go From Here? Movement Building within a Context of System Collapse.”
When: January 20th at 5:30 PM PT/8:30 PM ET
Where: Livestreamed from our Youtube, Facebook and Twitter pages as well as directly from our website at: www.movetoamend.org/january_event
- Phoebe Philena Farley – Green Party Black Caucus Officer
- Chad Nicholson, Community Organizer – Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF)
- Lawrence Abbott – Labor Organizer and California Move to Amend Affiliate Coordinator
- Jessica Munger – Move to Amend Programs Director, Toward a People’s Constitution Organizer
- Dr. Daniel Lee – James Lawson Institute Project Manager, Mayor of Culver City, CA
- Keyan Bliss – Advocacy Manager of Participatory Budgeting Project, Move to Amend Board member, MC
A special message from:
- Representative Pramila Jayapal – Lead Congressional Sponsor for the #WethePeopleAmendment
RSVP for reminders!
It has been 12 years since the historic Citizens United v FEC decision further opened the flood gates to money in elections, based on the precedent that corporations are legal humans with constitutional rights, and money is a form of political speech.
Move to Amend was formed just before this historic decision, why? Because we knew that corporate constitutional rights did not start with Citizens United v FEC, and it would not end there. Over the last decade, we have seen corporations amass more constitutional rights, including religious protections and the right not to speak, while individual people, lost more… Where do we go from here?
Please RSVP HERE and share with your friends.
We hope to see you there! -Move to Amend National Team
Move to Amend