Mission Statement
Prescott Indivisible promotes social justice and political accountability through advocacy and activism while advancing humanitarian, inclusive and progressive values at all levels of civic engagement.
Our Values
- Protect democracy and free and fair elections
- Protect the environment today and for future generations
- Support publicly funded education and ensure it is welcoming for all students
- Fight for women’s rights and protect access to abortion
- Support diverse communities, #BlackLivesMatter, and LGBTQ+ rights
- Advocate for everyone to have a safe place to live
- Champion healthcare as a human right
About Us
Prescott Indivisible is a non-partisan community in Yavapai County aligned with the national Indivisible movement. We welcome people of any political persuasion who share our values. We work to educate, share, and uphold liberty with justice for all with compassion and a dedication to truth. We achieve this by:
- Building community with local residents who believe in the mission of Prescott Indivisible.
- Advocating for local and state policies that are aligned with our values and advocating against those policies that are in opposition to our values.
- Increasing voter engagement.
- Providing the community with accurate information about upcoming elections, events, and issues that matter to our community.
Policies supported by Prescott Indivisible Members
- Demanding that county attorneys & prosecutors commit to not prosecuting anyone under AZ anti-abortion laws
- Increasing state funding for public education (includes lifting Aggregate Expenditure Limit)
- Passing an abortion rights constitutional amendment
- Advocating for teaching accurate history and supporting indigenous and students of color & LGBTQIA+ students with local school boards
- Instituting affordable housing policies (rent control, mandated affordable housing in new developments, etc.)
- Passing federal immigration reform
- Demanding sensible development limits at the city, county, and state levels
- Creating community land trusts to increase community input & control over development
- Increase funding for renewable energy programs
- Improving public transportation system in quad city area
- Increasing local bike paths and bike lanes
- Opposing the Sundog Connector Project
Steering Committee
Prescott Indivisible is guided by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is charged with being the steward of PI funds, providing guidance, and being the public face of the group.
Current Steering Committee Members:
- Secretary: Cristal Lewis
- Treasurer ([email protected]): Connie Campbell
- Newsletter Editors ([email protected]): Molly Beverly, Pamela Geisel
- Members: Allison Nash, Dee Cohen, Jackie DeSa, Jan Suderman, Jeff Daverman, Jim Stein, Larry Suderman, Maria-Elena Dunn, Marion Pack
All Prescott Indivisible members are welcome to attend our steering committee meetings. For more information or to contact members of the steering committee, please email us: [email protected]
Learn more about Prescott Indivisible’s leadership structure here.
About Prescott Indivisible
Prescott Indivisible was founded in 2017, when Paul Hamilton and Nicole Romine put an ad in the local paper, requesting local progressives to show up at the library. Over 100 people lined up. In short order, we had formed a local chapter of the national Indivisible movement. Within six months we adopted a set of Guidelines in which we work, designed a logo and printed and sold t-shirts. Our mailing list quickly expanded from 100 to over 1,200. We usually have 100 or more attend our general monthly meetings.
Prescott Indivisible has a strong track record of activism. We adopted the team concept: Communication/Events; Voter Education and Elections; Education; Environment; Human Rights; Immigration, and Peacekeepers. The steering committee is made up of elected officers and members at large and the heads of the various teams. A diverse group of community activists, social justice advocates and others that have volunteer ties to non-profits and religious organizations, the steering committee assists the teams and sets the agendas.
Our teams and their members have worked diligently to make their voices heard. We have made thousands of calls and mailed thousands of postcards to our legislators in Arizona and in congress. We have collaborated with like-minded organizations to advocate for issues of crucial importance to Arizona and the nation.
Some Examples of Our Impact
- Worked diligently to oppose the threat to the ACA. Members from our Human Rights Team not only had a number of rallies, alerting our fellow citizens of the proposed cuts to healthcare, but they made a huge effort to sign people up before the cut-off.
- Participate collaboratively with other local organizations in voter registration drives and Get Out The Vote initiatives.
- Candidate Endorsement guidelines were adopted and four offices were approved for endorsement.
- Our Immigration Team funded many DACA scholarships. They worked on Hispanic outreach to Get Out The Vote. They worked with other community groups throughout Northern AZ to have a successful Keep Families Together march.
- Our Education Team successfully worked with #Red for Ed, Save Our Schools and #Invest in Ed. Prescott Indivisible endorsed “NO on PROP 305” to retain funding for public schools.
- Partnered with the Women’s March on Prescott in 2018-2020. Partnered with Women’s March on Prescott for the March for Your Lives; over 1200 people rallied.
- Published a weekly newsletter since Feb. 2017; currently goes to 1,200 emails. Maintains website, public and private Facebook pages, and Twitter presence.
- Provided volunteers to collect signatures for the Outlaw Dirty Money/Stop Dark Money petitions.
- View other examples of Past Actions/Accomplishments here!