In this season of giving, sharing and being thankful, we suggest that you consider contributing to the efforts of the organizations which, through caravans, are caring for the many being “housed” on both sides of the Sonora/Arizona border.  It is through the caring of these volunteers that we show our humanity and say “welcome.”  Bring donations to GPUUC, M-F, 9-12AM or during services hours. For more information,  write to [email protected]    Many thanks.  María-Elena
Toiletries:  travel and full size – toothbrushes, toothpaste, creams and powders for blisters, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soaps, shower gel, body lotion, diapers (baby and adult)
Cleaning:  laundry detergent for hand-washing (no machines), dish washing liquid (no dishwashers), spray cleaner with chlorine, floor cleaners
Food:  Large containers –Sugar, beans, rice, coffee and powdered creamer, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, powdered milk for babies.  Individual servings – cheese crackers, soft granola bars, apple sauce, kids squeezes, water bottles, Ritz crackers with peanut butter, trail mix. 
“Paper” products: snack and gallon size ziplock bags, paper cups, plastic cutlery, paper plates, paper towels, toilet paper.
Clothes:  None at this time because of limited storage space and requests.
FUNDS:  Make checks payable to Refugee Aid-SWHF and mail to them at PO Box 27617, Tempe AZ 85285-7617  If you send your address, you will receive a receipt as this is a tax deductible contribution.


Immigration Team

We are energized…after a very successful event at Prescott College last Monday, calling attention to the Supreme Court hearing of oral arguments on DACA on November 12th.  Our effort was reported in the Daily Courier on Tuesday, with a couple of articles, and on Wednesday, with an editorial. Check them out; they showed a balanced and fair presentation of the Dreamers’ plight.

* Donate to the PI Immigration Team DACA renewal fund
* Sign or circulate a petition encouraging Congress to act on DACA legislation
* Participate in phone banks mobilizing the Latino community in voter registration
* Attend Immigration Team meetings or those of Keep Prescott Together, YC-Community Action Network (CAN), Prescott Area Immigration Coalition
* Donate food, clothing, or toys for organizations working with immigrants in Phoenix, or at the border
* Join a group that will attend deportation hearings
* Join our volunteers working at the border; no Spanish required
* Encourage your place of worship or social club to host get-togethers to hear Dreamers’ stories, learn about immigrants positive contributions, or understand the role of the climate crisis on the exodus from Central America

CONTACT [email protected] to learn how.

Immigration Team Report – November 3, 2019

Maria-Elena Dunn

Impeachment hoopla aside, Immigration continues to be a big issue and will be a cornerstone of #45’s re-election campaign.

On Tue, 12 Nov, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on the legal basis of the process through which the Administration rescinded the DACA program, and subsequent judicial injunctions. The outcome will affect nearly 1 MILLION Dreamers and their families. Every day they live with the fear of family separations. We plan to mark that day with additional presence at the Tuesday demonstration (Montezuma and Gurley) and a Press Conference later in the day (details TBA).

Show your support by getting involved:
(1) contribute to our DACA Fund which, after helping 20 local Dreamers, is now in the red.  We expect many requests for funds for renewals as the Supreme Court decision will be issued in early to mid 2020.
(2) join the Yavapai County Community Action Network (YC-CAN) which aims to involve our Latino community in activism and translating it into votes for 2020.
(3) donate to GPUUC’s Dreamer scholarship.
(4) continue to write, call, use social media to denounce the Administration’s actions at the border and in carrying out capricious deportations.
(5) volunteer to work with organizations providing assistance on both sides of the AZ border.
(6) don’t miss the presentation at the November 7th meeting.

For ALL details please contact María-Elena Dunn at [email protected] or attend our next meeting, Wed, 6 Nov, 3pm, GPUUC Faith Dev Bldg

Environmental Team Report – November 5, 2019

Gary Beverly

Prescott Council’s Water Policy A Chaotic Mess 

The City of Prescott leadership has been rushing to approve radical changes to water policy that will profoundly alter the future of Prescott and Yavapai County by doubling population and depleting our aquifer. The Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG) supports the new conservation and landscape policies, but urged that the decision on the proposed policy to provide water outside of the city without annexation be delayed. Late Friday, we received word that the city is removing the controversial provisions when the City Council votes on the new water policies on Nov 12.

The now withdrawn new allocation policy, if adopted, would have permitted the city to supply water outside city limits, without annexation, to over 25,000 acres between the city and Chino Valley, doubling population to 85,000, and primarily benefiting two large developers – Arizona Eco Development and Deep Well Ranch. That would accelerate the depletion of our aquifer, already a serious problem, and bypass the citizen-approved development reviews mandated under Prop 400 – the Reasonable Growth Initiative.

We shouldn’t have a lame duck Council rushing to set water policy for our future. The newly elected council takes office on November 19, and we hope they adopt a less chaotic process.  See ACTION… scroll up.For more info, email [email protected]

Immigration Team Report – October 21, 2019

Maria-Elena Dunn

SHARE YOUR STORY:  The Immigration Team needs your help.  We all have an Immigration Story to tell (unless you are an American Indian) …. that of a distant relative, a more recent arrival, or your own.  At the next PI General Meeting on November 7th, we want to celebrate our Nation of Immigrants through, “Thankful for our Immigrants.”
Please contact Team Lead, María-Elena, at [email protected] to share your story.

We will be glad to relate it anonymously or you can come tell it yourself on the 7th.  No matter, please give us the good, the bad or the ugly of your family’s experience. The horrors being perpetrated today are, sadly, not completely new to our immigrant history BUT, in the end, we have embraced and benefitted greatly from all who have come to our shores, our borders.

Let’s be thankful for that through personal stories of sorrow and joy, failure and success.  We have been one great nation because of the many!

Next Immigration Team Meeting is Wednesday 23 October at 3:15 pm
GPUUC, Faith Development Bldg