
Season for Nonviolence & 11 Minutes for Peace!
The Season for Nonviolence (SNV), January 30th through April 4th, is about celebrating, educating and advocating in nonviolence and peacebuilding. 
This 64-day event was co-founded in 1998 by Dr. Arun Gandhi and the Association for Global New Thought
In honor of this important commemoration, we ask you to take the February 2022 11 Minute Action for HR 1111.
Celebrate those who teach us about nonviolence and peacebuilding and honor the peacebuilder within each of us: the Dalai Lama, Mahatma Gandhi, Dolores Huerta, Azim Khamisa, Rev./Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lennon, Avon Mattison and more.  We begin SNV 2022 in gratitude for the life and messages of Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed recently. He said, “Ignorance, discrimination, fear, craving and violence are the real enemies of humanity.”  Enjoy his wisdom here:

 Educate our children and ourselves about nonviolence. See these resources, quotes and lesson plan
Advocate during the month of February by calling specific members of Congress to cosponsor HR 1111. For each month there is a new list. 
The February list includes Congress members who recognized the importance of peace education and are cosponsors of the African American History Act (HR 6261)
Ask them to also cosponsor HR 1111 which calls, in part, for an Office of Peace Education and Training. 

See the list below and click the button to get info to help you make your calls. ~ February Focus ~Education is key to nonviolence and peacebuilding. 
During the Season for Nonviolence, in February 2022 ask these 11 to commit to HR 1111 by cosponsoring the DoP Act of 2021. 
Ask them to contact DoP Sponsor Barbara Lee’s office to sign on ([email protected] or 202-225-2661). 
Let us know who you called by writing [email protected]

What to say when you call

Alma Adams (NC-12) – 202-225-1510Karen Bass (CA-37) – 202-225-7084Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) – 202-225-2464Tony Cardenas (CA-29) – 202-225-6131Mondaire Jones (NY-17) – 202-225-6506Kaiali’I Kahele (HI-2) – 202-225-4906Brenda Lawrence (MI-14) – 202-225-5802Andy Levin (MI-9) – 202-225-4961Grace Meng (NY-6) – 202-225-2601Mark Pocan (WI-12) – 202-225-2906Frederica Wilson (FL-24) – 202-225-4506

Prescott Peacebuilder’s Mission: To inspire our community to believe in and work toward a more peaceful, livable world.  We are committed to building an identity of PEACE and a culture of nonviolence in Prescott, Arizona: “Everybody’s Hometown”. We are inclusive and non-political, and we align ourselves to the core beliefs and practices of the International Campaign of Nonviolence.

Prescott Peacebuilder’s Mission: To inspire our community to believe in and work toward a more peaceful, livable world.  We are committed to building an identity of PEACE and a culture of nonviolence in Prescott, Arizona: “Everybody’s Hometown”. We are inclusive and non-political, and we align ourselves to the core beliefs and practices of the International Campaign of Nonviolence.