Every ten years, based on the U. S. Census, congressional and state legislative districts are redrawn. Redistricting is underway across the nation, based on the 2020 census.
In Arizona, draft maps are being drawn by the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC)! To really understand this critical process, please take a few minutes to listen in on a short PowerPoint presentation, Redistricting 101, “broadcast” every Thursday at Noon. Contact Deborah Howard at [email protected] to get the link.
The maps, as published in the Courier on October 12, are simply grid maps on the state map, each grid having equal population. None of the other factors required for fair and competitive maps are taken into consideration in those.
The IRC has had community of interest meetings and initial meetings on the grid maps, and now the maps are being redrawn. The public is invited to submit comments and/or maps for consideration by the IRC.
Draft maps are expected by October 22nd. These will be open to public comment during most of November. The IRC has an aspirational date of
December 22 for the final maps which will affect our Congressional and Legislative districts for the next 10 years!
In drawing maps, the IRC, by law, must take into consideration the following factors: equal population; compactness and contiguousness; compliance with the U.S. and AZ constitutions as well as the Voting Rights Act; respect for communities of interest; incorporation of visible geographic features, including city, town, and county boundaries, as well as undivided census tracts; and creation of competitive districts, where there is no significant detriment to other goals.
The public is invited to listen to the IRC draft map hearings that will be held on Fri. 10/15; Mon.-Wed. 10/18 – 10/20. The times for each meeting are published on their website – https://irc.az.gov/ twenty-four hours prior to the meeting dates.
Go to: https://irc.az.gov/newsroom and click on Newsletter Vol. VII for an explanation of the process on how a citizen can view the adjustments to state-wide maps and submit their own maps.
To receive a weekly email re Redistricting and updates, and to learn how you too can make a difference by submitting comments on maps prepared by others, drop an email to Maria Lynam, [email protected].
-Maria Lynam