The Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) has published its schedule of public hearings for Arizonans to comment on their recently-approved Draft maps – congressional and legislative. Individual testimony during in-person and virtual sessions have started. Prescott Indivisible is focusing on providing assistance to the public on submitting maps and learning how to comment on those already in the system.
The first virtual hearing was Saturday, November 6, and went on most of the day. Over 200 individuals signed up to provide testimony. Many speakers objected strongly to many of the maps that include the “keep Yavapai County whole” concept, whereby the Verde Valley and Sedona area will have their progressive voices subdued by joining our Republican-held county. Currently that area is included in LD6 and we want them to stay there in a competitive district. The decision to keep the Verde Valley and Sedona area part of Yavapai is contrary to what is expressed by the public at the Community of Interest testimony sessions in July and Sept. Here are the draft maps:

Click HERE to read AIRC News Release dated November 2, 2021.
On November 9, at the business meeting, the IRC Chair, Erika Neuberg indicated that keeping Yavapai County intact was important. We are one of two counties in the entire state that are intact! What gives? Many elected Yavapai County Republican officials are lobbying for this!
It is clear we must press and press hard. The Chair’s comments, together with the incredible push by Commissioners Mehl and York to create an Arizona very safe for GOP candidates, means that we have a LOT of work to do. We have to push on every aspect of these maps and this process, every day. It is a matter of competitiveness and fairness.
How You Can Help:
You can submit comments on the Contact Us section of the IRC website (https://irc.az.gov/contact-us/public-comments) or you can register to attend and/or present at upcoming public hearings. If you have indicated that you will attend by virtue of a Mobilize invitation, this does not mean that you are signed up to speak!
Wed. Nov. 10, 6pm – Virtual via satellite for Flagstaff from in-person Yuma. You must sign up to speak prior to this session. Go here and click on the appropriate district (congressional or legislative) you want to include in your testimony.
Tues. Nov. 16, 6pm – In-Person in Cottonwood, Cottonwood Community Club House. No registration details yet.
Fri. Nov. 19, 12 noon – Virtual for Northern and Western AZ. No location nor registration details available yet, but you must sign up to speak prior to this session.
Sat. Nov. 20, 10am – In-Person in Prescott Valley, PV Public Library. No registration details published yet.
The scheduled meetings in our area will have details on the irc website when released. For more specifics, see – https://irc.az.gov/public-meetings/draft-map-hearings
In the next few days, we will give details on a video that will be made available to you. It is a short “tutorial” on how to submit testimony, in person or in writing. We encourage you to attend a hearing near you even if you do not wish to speak. Showing strength in numbers is crucial to getting our points across.
If you want talking points to use when you submit comments, always using your own words, contact Maria Lynam, [email protected] or [email protected]. You are encouraged to submit frequently, making the points as strongly as possible.
In Conclusion:
We are fighting for fair and competitive maps which abide by the Arizona and United States Constitutions, as well as the Voting Rights Act. This commission is a long way off from what it is legally required to do, but yet they hope to have final maps by December 22. We must continue to encourage them to do the right thing, especially to listen to the individuals, not to vested partisan interests.