Thank you to everyone who attended our Request to Speak (RTS) training with Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (CEBV) at last week’s General Meeting! If you missed the training, or misplaced your notes, here are links to the most important info:
- Sign up for a Request to Speak account: http://tinyurl.com/rtssignmeup
- CEBV Website: https://www.cebv.us/
- How to RTS Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZMj5rLbuzs&feature=youtu.be
- How to find your district: www.azleg.gov/findmylegislator/
- Where to find the RTS system: azleg.gov
- Kill Bill flowchart: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iQCdS5M5HyfsScwGJpyTq3Z1ik8tbC400uvUkFWihd0/edit#slide=id.p3
- Sign up for The Legislature Weekly: http://tinyurl.com/IyerReport
We are grateful to the work CEBV does to keep us all informed on what is happening in the AZ state legislature. Please support their work by donating today!
Request to Speak Training with CEBV
Weigh in on bills from the comfort of your couch! Arizona’s Request to Speak (RTS) is an online tool that lets everyday citizens give Arizona state lawmakers our feedback on bills. It’s an easy way to get involved in state politics, stay informed on the bills that directly affect us, and make sure our elected officials honor the wishes of us, their constituents.
Next training session is January 16th