Save Our Schools Arizona is working hard to elect pro-public education candidates up and down the ballot. Please take a moment to meet your local #PublicSchoolProud candidate for the Arizona State House of Representatives. This candidate has pledged to fully and equitably fund our schools and fight school privatization schemes at our state Capitol, starting in January! Learn more about Judy Stahl: Judy Stahl for State House Note that, even though Arizonans can cast two votes for State House, your ballot will have just one #PublicSchoolProud candidate for House. Don’t vote for a second House candidate who doesn’t share your values; that will only raise the less desirable candidate’s total, which may result in Judy losing! Instead, leave the second House vote blank, and your vote will go twice as far. Down-ballot races like this one have a much larger impact on your daily life than those at the top of your ticket. Please review this candidate and help us spread the word by forwarding this email to your neighbors. We also encourage you to volunteer for this amazing candidate by calling voters in your neighborhood! After decades of funding cuts and privatization schemes passed by our state legislature (often with pressure from out-of-state special interests), bold action will be required to save our schools. On November 3, we are asking our fellow Arizona voters to elect a legislature that truly prioritizes public education. View other #PublicSchoolProud candidates all around the state HERE. With excitement for Arizona’s future, Team Save Our Schools Arizona P.S. Check out our PUBLIC SCHOOL PROUD t-shirts and masks HERE! Contribute |
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