A Note from Kari Hull, Northern Arizona Outreach Coordinator:

Save Our Schools AZ is doing a statewide fundraiser to help raise money for the important work we will be doing in 2022 for our public schools. We have teams, and we are Northern AZ (aka Team AWESOME)
There are two ways you can help!
1. You can click HERE to donate directly to the Team Awesome fundraising page which is linked to our team goal.
2. You can join the Northern AZ team and register your own fundraiser page. You can pick your own avatar and send out calls to action to help us raise money for SOSAZ! Click HERE to register and don’t forget to click on the dropdown and select Northern AZ for your personal fundraising page to be linked to ours! You can set your personal goal for $20 – $2500! It is totally up to you.
The important thing is that we do this together, have some fun, and help raise much needed funding for our SOSAZ organization. (It costs $10 to register your page which is your ticket to join our virtual fundraiser on Giving Tuesday, November 30th @ 530pm (Trivia Night competition & Dance Party!)
Good News!
We had BIG news Friday that SB 1828 (the flat tax) is officially being referred to the ballot. Read our statement here. And share our tweet here. We sincerely could not have done this without the work of YOU here in Northern Arizona. So start telling your friends and family that voters will reject the flat tax when they vote #NoProp307 in 2022!