It is with great pleasure that I can announce that the goal of reaching out to Independent voters within Yavapai County has been reached by the Voter Values Project prior to Election Day. Since last spring 5,500 Independent voters have received postcards, many parts of the postcard handwritten by volunteers. In the beginning these postcards were followed up by a phone call – but this quickly switched to a text message sent prior to the mailing of the postcards. Postcards were deemed to be quite expensive, so the remaining 8,000 Independent voters received a text message.
The purpose of all these postcards, calls and texts has been to drive the Independent voters to the votervaluesproject.com website. Upon landing on the website, the voters were presented with a Survey questioning them about the topics that most concerned them. After completing this Survey, the respondents have been receiving, almost weekly, researched articles pertinent to the Survey. These topics include: Racial Equity, Voting Rights, Healthcare Reform, and The Environment.
The secondary section of the website provides the respondents with a complete understanding of the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL); encouraging them – if they hadn’t registered already to do so and HOW to do it. Many returned Surveys indicated that the respondents had not registered – but would do so.
The ultimate goal of the Voter Values Project has been to let the Independent voters in Yavapai County know that there is someone out there that will listen to their concerns – with the hopeful potential that they will vote the Democratic ticket in this election.
There is a saying that states, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well…in this case it takes a VILLAGE to complete a project.” I would like to commend all of the following volunteers for their dedication to this project. It would never have moved forward or been completed without you. Forgive me I somehow miss someone important.
Rosemary Dixon – developed the Survey
Mavis Brauer – overall chair and coordinator, ongoing
Maria Lynam – early coordinator
Cheryl Harris – early co-chair
Nancy Klick – co-chair
Louise Clara – volunteer coordinator extraordinaire; vice-chair
Jeff Daverman – media coordinator, constant & valuable contributor
Lynn Griffin – survey results tabulator
Doug Kearney – researcher
Abby Brill – researcher
Louise Clara – researcher, editor
Peggy Glenn – editor
Nancy Klick – editor
Postcard Writers | Postcard Writers | Fund-raising Mask-makers |
Cindie Abrahams | Vivian Perry | Candy Atkinson |
Claudia Atherton | Rosemary Dixon | Rita Day |
Candy Atkinson | Julie Rayda | Louise Clara |
Sandy Baggenstos | Donna Rooten | Texters |
Rebecca Blankenship | Gregg Rooten | Anne Schwerdt |
Cynthia Bordelon | Kathleen Sauer | Cheryl Harris |
Susan Braverman | Connie Slaten | Cindy Wagner |
Susan Campbell | Sharon from DWPA | Joanna White |
Margaret Cox | James Stein | Linda Meigs |
Susan Crutcher | Jan Suderman | Linda Vieser |
Rita Day | Larry Suderman | Lu Ann Murphy |
Rosemary Dixon | Anna Swigart | Mary Ann Graffagnino |
Lynn Freedman | Linda Torrence-Hill | Mary Cole |
Paula Fuhst | Cathy Varner | Nancy Klick |
Anita Gilbert | Cindy Wagner | Nancy Scharff |
Mary Ann Graffagnino | Kathleen Sauer | Connie Slaten |
Becky Gunn | Nancy Scharff | Patti Smith |
Sondra Haile | Patti Smith | Rosemary Dixon |
Allen Harris | Labeth Pondish | Patricia LaFleur |
Cheryl Harris | Freya Maneki | Louise Clara |
Patricia Hils | Diane McQueen | Tyler Woods |
Kathy Jensen | Connie Pennick | Becky Gunn |
Cynthia Jones | Kate Oconner-Masse | Carol Weitkunat |
Heryl Kroopnick | Linda Meigs | Rebecca Blakenship |
Carol Lee | Mary Cole | |
Linda Lutes | Frank Clara | |
Carol Weitkunat | Chris Westoff |
Thank you all again,