Nuclear Resister: 6/29/21

Nuclear Resister #8: June 29, 2021 Tri-Valley CAREs’ Analysis of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Request, Part One… Careening Over the Nuclear Precipice:New Warheads in the First Biden Budget Over the course of four years, the...

Nuclear Resister 6/16/21

The Nuclear Resister #7 – June 16, 2021 By Marion Pack This article is a media advisor put out by the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, of which Tri-Valley Cares is a participant. In past articles I have written about the exorbitant cost of the US’s nuclear...

Yav Dems Upcoming Events

Reminder – Don’t forget to stop by tomorrow and say hello!  Join us in celebrating the reopening of theYavapai Democrats HeadquartersSaturday, June 261-4 pm 1555 Iron Springs Rd., Prescott 86301RSVP HereStop by and enjoy drinks and treats,sign the Arizona...

Northern AZ Climate Change Events

Prescott Area NAZCCA Community! An important Prescott City Council election is coming up soon! As Save the Dells is our partner organization we would like to encourage you to join their upcoming event on June 30th.  CWAG (Citizens Water Advocacy Group) is hosting...

DWPA June 2021 Newsletter

      June 2021 NewsletterShare from the Chair Judy Stahl  Greetings Members and Friends,     June is upon us and everything around us (and within us) feels like it is being reborn. People are vaccinated and out living their...